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2253 - August 23, 2012 6:51 pm


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【 life zen 】 1, be shame - fall out as emancipated, angry as a fight. 2, in the face of opposition, listen, and thinking. 3, to make mistakes - dazed and confused not foot odd, we over-come it really well. 4, rumors - cannot ignore, also cannot pester down. 5, others face -- don't be too concerned about, do what you should do. 6, a gentleman -- love of money, take the youdao.

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2254 - August 23, 2012 6:48 pm


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People don't necessarily have the best general agent, agent do is suspicious. One need not speech utterly, words do, no friend. People don't necessarily have the best accounts, all the accounts is far. And people don't necessarily have the best low, low do less bone. Let people don't necessarily have the best back, back to the little road.

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2255 - August 23, 2012 6:40 pm


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A lot of things will be in our hands: such as happiness, you are not happy, who will sympathize with you of sadness; Such as strong, you don't strong, who will have mercy on your cowardice; Such as work hard, you don't work hard, who will accompany you hanging around, Such as treasure, you don't cherish, who will and you can get rid of youth; Such as persistent, you don't persistent, who will and you were a... Only our destiny in their own hands, we can find the life flash.

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2256 - August 23, 2012 6:29 pm


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Fruit growth need sunshine, also need to cool nights and cold rain to mature. Personality culture need to joy, also need to test and difficulties will be noble.

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2257 - August 23, 2012 6:23 pm


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We will fall in love with a jerk, they have a lot of wild, but difficult to locate and fun.

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